I apologize in advance, if I have inadvertently offended you.
Depression is now a popular disease. It is caused by the lack of communication, psychological problems, problems of the human body and stresses that we all experience from time to time.
People with disabilities very often experience depression. Let’s look at this disease from another side. Depression (from Latin “Crush”) is a mental disorder characterized by a triad of depression: a decline in mood, loss of ability to experience joy, disorders of thinking (negative judgments, pessimistic view of what is happening, etc.) and motor inhibition. Depression is characterized by reduced self-esteem, loss of interest in life and usual activities. As mental illness it is characterized by violation of affect.
A long course of time (more than four to six months) depression is regarded as a mental illness. Depression responds well to treatment; for more than in 80% of cases there is complete recovery. However, currently depression is the most common mental disorder. Ten per cent of the population aged over 40 years experience depression, of these, 2 / 3 are women. Among persons over 65 years, depression is found thrice as often. In some cases, people suffering from depression begin to use alcohol.
In order to understand and believe in its effectiveness, we consider the essence of such phenomena as stress. It had been thought that stress, depression, mood swings are exclusively associated with the neuro-psychological processes. However, with the emergence of a new resource based approach to health, it has become clear that stress and depression have the resource-based nature.
Perhaps everyone noticed that during times of stress pain and swelling disappear, and the body seems more weightless than usually. Conversely, at depression body seems heavy and apathy develops. The fact is that 80% of all resources are spent by the body muscle cells. The supplies of the resources are stored in the biochemical composition of intercellular fluid (12 liters). In these 12 liters may contain a lot of resources and a few wastes and vice versa, few resources and a lot of wastes.
When resources are plentiful, the body is calm, a man is in a good mood, he is full of strength, desires, goals and objectives. If resources are not enough, he is irritable, apathetic, gets tired easily. If you have been unable to restore the resources for a long time, depression occurs.
Not only physical activity but also all the internal movements of substances and cells are based on the activity of muscle cells. Therefore, muscle reserves of resources are extremely important.
Stress comes under the influence of life situations. When a person is not nervous and is in complete rest, the activity of muscle cells is 10 times less than at the maximum physical work. This small activity can be maintained for 24 hours without causing risk of resource depletion.
The researchers found that during stress the activity of muscle cells of hands, feet and backs increases 5-6 times even if a body does not move! The body seems to prepare to resist a physical attack. This activity removes swelling, pain, and causes lightness in the body. But the price of this is high consumption of resources, which are rapidly melting away. If the stress of short duration (1-2 hours), it is not dangerous. If it lasts for a few days or more, it can completely deplete resources and bring stroke, heart attack and even death! This resource depletion is the cause of the negative impact of stress on health. Moreover, health problems begin after stress. Even if the stressful situation is over, the body recovers wasted resources for a long time (1-3 months): they are quick to spend, but long to recover. If the life conditions cause the significant expenditure of resources, the body can’t get out of this “resource pit” by itself.
People with disabilities can learn to protect themselves. They can ask themselves the question, “What is more important for me, bad mood, stress, growling at people or positive attitude and smiling?” Probably, good mood is more important for you. So, if you’re nervous and sleep badly, and eat badly, your life will also be bad. People with disabilities must learn to worry less and to avoid stressful situations. Remember, that nothing can be proved with the expenditure of nerves.
When I feel stress, I take paper and write my thoughts; sometimes I write a letter to the man who caused my stress. Then I go to bed, making the correct conclusions. The next day I look at my yesterday’s situation. If I am calm and happy, I leave everything as is. If I feel that stress has not passed, I analyze the situation or send the letter. Thus, I retain my health and become smarter. Be happy you too.