Shanell Lee is an artist who attends the ADAPT Community Network day program in Staten Island.

Artist statement and Bio: “ I, Shanell, am very creative and artistic. I’m from Staten Island, New York, and I still live and make art here. My creativity comes from my heavenly Father and God, Jehovah as in accordance to my faith he is the Creator of all things. I view my ability in artwork as not only a talent but also a blessing. I have the determination to not let my disability stop me, as my disability is only temporary, since I have my faith on a new earth under the rule of God’s kingdom, I will have the ability to walk and run and enjoy good health as well as do.
For inquiries, collaboration, commissions please contact at Sh**********@gm***.com

Hi Shanell. This is Ms. Mattera, your fifth grade teacher. I was thinking about you today and Googled your name. You are an artist! I am very proud of you. You always had that artistic ability. I knew you would utilize it, as well as your faith. Here is my email if you want to write back: ba*****@ao*.com
Hope to hear from you