Our Visit to ADAPT NY facility in Brooklyn, New York branch of United Cerebra Palsy

On December 1, 2021, Viktoriya Gorelik and Julia Aldana introduced Para Arts Foundation projects at ADAPT NY facility in Brooklyn (New York branch of United Cerebra Palsy). They met talented artists from disability community and now look forward to collaborate with them! We also look forward to tell their stories and to promote as much as we can works of these great artists! Thank you Mercy D.Weiss and Peter Cobb from ADAPT Community NY!

#cerebralpalsyawareness #cerebralpalsy #cerebralpalsyinfilm #womenwithcerebralpalsy #disabilityawareness #disability #DisabilityInFilm #womenwithdisability #wome

May be an image of 6 people, people standing, people sitting and indoor
May be art
May be an image of 7 people, people standing and indoor



Author: Viktoriya

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