Tiye Bharath
Tiye Bharath is one of our artist and program participants attended one of ADAPT Community Networks Day Habilitation centers in Brooklyn. Artist Bio and statement:…
Below is Sharlita, who attends ADAPT Community Networks Brooklyn day habilitation center. “One of the first things you need to know about me is that…
Shanell Lee
Shanell Lee is an artist who attends the ADAPT Community Network day program in Staten Island. Artist statement and Bio: “ I, Shanell, am very…
Mobile Para Arts Cafe “YOU and Me”
Mobile Para Arts Cafe “YOU and Me”: Monthly gathering of disabled and non-disabled artists showcasing their art and talent at disability accessible venues throughout Brooklyn,…
Place where both non-disability and physically challenged people could blend in, communicating and networking. This Place will also provide space for Poetic and creative events, …
Website “Para_Arts” an online Educational Center
Website “Para_Arts” – an online Educational Center that is give complex platform for people with disabilities to find must productive access into today society, to…